
Profile Endpoints Image Endpoints Bulk Data Endpoints Object Endpoints Selfhost Github Repo




by deafult this will return a a JSON object with a random person profile information, this would look like this

  "company": "Bat Industries",
  "email": "korbin860@poofdata.com",
  "id": 632235,
  "job": "Artist",
  "name": "Korbin Knapp",
  "phone": "62302978"

If you want to get the same person you can use URL-parameters to set specific seed like this:


This will allways yield the same output, in the case of the int being a 1, the output would always look like this:

  "company": "Bath Media",
  "email": "hendrix@poofdata.com",
  "id": 1,
  "job": "Designer",
  "name": "Hendrix Kirk",
  "phone": "29141777"

If you only want some specific fields from this endpoints you can use URL-parameters to specify which parameters you want to get. The availible parameters are:

these can of course be chained. If you for an example weanted to only get the name and email of person with the id 6 you could write


this would yield this result:

  "email": "capri@poofdata.com",
  "name": "Capri Boone"

The order of the parameters doesn’t matter

Made by Michal Kowalski Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3